The countdown to the end…

As 2017 comes to an end I finally take the time to reflect on all that happened this year.  In some ways it was the most eventful year I’ve had and in others I failed miserably.  I won’t bore you with the details of what was great and what did not fall into the “it was great” column but if you’ve kept up with me you probably already know.  Not going to do the recap of “This is my life”.  Instead and I’m going to jot down some goals and ideas I’ve been throwing around in this mind of mine.

As I write this I can see my dog Daisy running in her sleep.  In reality she doesn’t run for long.  She’s getting up there in age but more than that she’s gained a lot of weight this year.  She’s become kind of lazy.  However in this dream she is still running.  Her body is jerking  with the motions and I wonder what she is chasing.  Is it the tires on a bicycle? She’s been known to chase one or two down in her time.   Maybe it’s the squirrels and rabbits she sits and watches all day.  Whatever it is she is thinking about it.  In a lot of way I’m just like Daisy.  I’ve gotten lazy.  I’ve completely ignored the passion I once had for fitness.  Like Daisy, I’ve gained weight.  Couldn’t we both do ourselves good with loosing about twenty pounds… okay… maybe thirty.  I’m thinking something in this category better go in the “let’s do it” column.

Writing was once a great passion as well and look at me… I’m killing it here with this end of year post.  I started a writing challenge a few months ago but I don’t think I even got to day 10 on it.  Maybe I should give it a shot again.  Daily journaling?  I think I just may and if I stick with handwriting it in a journal I won’t even have to worry about anyone reading it because lets face it, my writing is awful.  Some days I feel like I have a story to tell but I’m still waiting on Mr. Muse to let me know what that is.  Instead I’ll stick with journaling and a couple of these super informative blog post a week.  Once I start I usually have no problem getting the words out.

I started a new job recently and I’m starting to settle in.  I like the people I work for and I like the vision of the business. I believe that with the right tools I could really be successful here.  One of my must do’s in the new year is to help them become successful and reach their goals by excelling and doing my part.   I know that with time and determination it will happen.

I’m starting to yawn now and it is officially 90 minutes after my bed time.  I’m going to wrap this little chat up by thanking everyone who takes the time to read this and go out on a limb here to say you’ll hear from me again soon.

Happy Christmas Eve, Eve.